Our Projects
Helping Businesses Blossom
Explore the impact of Javelin Group’s global initiatives. Our Projects Page features a range of transformative efforts in key sectors like economic development, public health, and renewable energy, highlighting our commitment to sustainable progress and effective partnerships.
Innovation Districts
The Javelin Group has put together an extraordinary team of specialists for the development of Innovation District projects that bring huge economic benefits to their partners. In rigorous studies conducted by Harvard economists and designers, it has been shown that Innovation Districts, compared with non-Innovation Districts, can provide:
- 4X higher intensity of tangible innovations,
- 9X higher density of job opportunities,
- 15X greater concentration of knowledge economy job opportunities, and
- 20X more wealth.
What is an Innovation District? “A campus, forming around Anchor Institutions such as (1) universities, (2) major healthcare institutions, (3) industrial clusters, and (4) government installations, which integrates innovative researchers, multiple types of supporting real estate, and technology entrepreneurs, to advance research and economic development.”
What is the potential market for developing Innovation Districts? (1) Every university in the world, (2) every major healthcare institution in the world, (3) every major industrial cluster in the world, and (4) every major government installation in the world.
Why are Innovation Districts so productive? There are actually dozens of reasons, but 2 reasons stand out: (1) concentrating so many Innovative Researchers and Technology Entrepreneurs in one place increases the number of “creative collisions” among them, ultimately producing more innovative goods and services than non-Innovation Districts, and (2) being able to turn research into development, and development into marketable goods and services, right on the same campus, saves time and significantly reduces transport costs.
How many Innovation Districts are there? Full-fledged Innovation Districts are still relatively rare.
If Innovation Districts are so productive, why aren’t there more of them? (1) Major barriers to entry, including inappropriate Anchor Institution staff and sheer cost, (2) issues in coordinating Economic Development with Real Estate Development, and (3) Issues in coordinating Real Estate Development with Innovative Researchers and Technology Entrepreneurs.
All these issues can be addressed by members of the Javelin Group with better management, technology, and training
Lobito Corridor Economic Development Alliance
Javelin Group looks forward to supporting the objectives of the Lobito Corridor Initiative – the largest current initiative of the U.S. Government in Africa, by helping design and implement specific projects that build on the Initiative’s infrastructure investments and tap into the Javelin Group’s areas of expertise, including agriculture and agribusinesses, climate change resilience, community development, natural resource management, and public health, among others. The overriding objective is to contribute to the social and economic development of the three participating countries: Angola, Zambia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.